To streamline workflows and offer the market the best service / quality / price, Pirovano always keeps a close eye on its quality system to satisfy the requests of its clients.
For this reason, the internal quality management system has been developed, constructed and implemented to meet the requirements of UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015, and was then audited by SGS Italy.
On December 7, 1998, we obtained the ISO 9002:1994 certification (No. Q14843); in the planned surveillance visits cycle, in September 2001, we successfully converted to the new standard ISO 9001:2000 and the subsequent updates to the current ISO 9001:2015.
We have a metrology room equipped with various measuring instruments such as micrometers, bore gauges, smooth and threaded plugs, smooth and threaded rings, altimeters, durometers, roughness testers, profile projectors, three-dimensional control machines and many more.